How to dress up for Volcanoes National Park.

How to dress up for Volcanoes National Park.

How to dress up for Volcanoes National Park.

How to dress up for Volcanoes National Park: Are you planning to visit Volcanoes national park but are wondering what to wear while you are in the park? Oh, no more worries Active African Vacation has brought you the requirements and recommendations on what you need to consider and organize for your gorilla trek  and golden monkey  safari in the Volcanoes national park.

Although there isn’t a rigid dress code in Rwanda, visitors who are female are encouraged to wear conservative attire. Our target audience for this book is those who want to hike with mountain gorillas or participate in any other activities in the Volcanoes National Park. A few examples of these activities are the hikes at Bisoke and Dian Fossey, the walk through the Musanze caves, the Buhanga Eco Park, and the visit to Ibyiwacu.

Wearing cotton clothing is most comfortable during the day because it becomes rather hot, but boots and a heavy sweater are necessary at night because it gets chilly. Since gorilla trekking requires trekking through rainforests, it is almost a given that it will rain. It is necessary to wear warm clothes, walking or hiking boots, a hat, and a lightweight raincoat or parka. Garden gloves and gaiters are advised to prevent nettle stings.

Generally, we suggest that you prepare neutral safari clothing for your gorilla trekking safari experience in Volcanoes national park.  The hues available are khaki, brown, beige/tan, and green. These colors go well with the terrain and are appropriate for safari travel for a variety of reasons.

Below is the Recommended summarized Packing list for a Gorilla Trek

  • Walking boots or shoes (boots are better because they have better grip and support your ankles on hilly terrain)
  • Breathable waterproof jacket and trousers. Even if it doesn’t rain, the ground and vegetation are generally wet. Wearing waterproof trousers means you can kneel to get gorilla photos or slide down slippery slopes.
  • Long-sleeved shirt (to protect yourself from tree branches, the sun and insects)
  • Gaiters (or long socks) to tuck long trousers into (to collect legs from scratches and keep insects out)
  • A fleece or light wool sweater
  • Sunglasses, sunscreen and sunhat
  • Gloves to grip the vegetation (gardening gloves are perfect!)

Below is detailed information about what to wear for a gorilla trek and golden monkeys  in Volcanoes national park.

Rain coat/ jacket.

Volcanoes National Park experiences quite variable weather. When the rain is pouring fiercely and the sun is shining brightly, you can start the hike. how dress up for Volcanoes National Park, trackers are required to have a rain jacket before setting out to search for gorillas. Particularly during the wet season, it may get rather chilly. Wearing a sweater will keep you warm both before and after your gorilla trekking experience. Sunglasses and a cap are also necessary to protect your eyes from the sun. Your hands will be protected from sharp tree branches by wearing hand gloves.

Hiking Boots.

As mentioned before, visiting the gorillas in Volcanoes National Park requires extensive treks through the jungle. Trails in the woods can be steep and wet, making tracking challenging. A tracker should invest in shoes that can cover their ankles and feet and have good traction and grip given the obstacles. It is possible to stroll around the forest for extended periods of time while wearing these shoes without slipping or getting pinched by thorns.

Kindly take note that T  shirts, short pants and sandals are Not suitable attires to prepare while planning to visit Volcanoes national park. The recommended clothing’s  are those that dry quickly when washed, have light weight and so many others

How to dress up for Volcanoes National Park.

Additionally, to the clothing that a trekker has to wear while in the volcanoes, there are other requirements needed for a trekker and these include;

Walking sticks.

Walking sticks.

Depending on the national park you visit, monitoring gorillas differs significantly. You will be passing through dense forests, valleys, river streams, and mountain slopes because the routes are not defined. We advise you to purchase a suitable hiking stick to help and sustain you as you traverse hills and valleys. More sophisticated kinds of walking sticks can be purchased for a price, while basic models are given away for free at the outset.

Insect Repellent spray.

Mountain gorillas live in tropical regions with lots of unpleasant insects, such as mosquitoes. We advise packing an insect repellent to protect oneself from mosquito bites. Carry hand sanitizers, perfumes, shavers, and deodorants with you on vacation to make sure you smell and look your best. It is even advisable to include toilet paper, wipes, toothpaste, and a toothbrush.

Pack some Snacks/ lunch for your gorilla trek.

A gorilla trekking expedition could take two to six hours, depending on the group. Hunger, thirst, and exhaustion may strike. Water, energy drinks, and small snacks for lunch will therefore be necessary for you. One store in the nearby towns sells them.

Gardening gloves.

Wearing gardening gloves is necessary to prevent scratches on your hands from using grass and tree branches as support when gorilla trekking, tracking golden monkeys, climbing volcanoes, or birdwatching.

Gaiters (or long socks) to tuck long trousers into (to correct legs from scratches and keep insects out)

To further enhance your experience, wear long  lightweight cotton socks, trousers  and tuck in your slacks to keep safari ants out of them.

Sun glasses and hat.

To protect your head and eyes from the intense sunlight you will likely experience while participating in the various activities at Volcanoes National Park, wear sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat.

Long sleeved shirts.

When going on activities like tracking golden monkeys, hiking to the Dian Fossey burial, gorilla trekking, or volcano climbing, make sure you wear long sleeves or a blouse because the park is abundant of stinging nettles and safari ants that can scratch your arms.

In conclusion:

Booking a gorilla permit in the Volcanoes National Park is possible through Rwanda Development or a reputable tour operator firm such as Active African Vacation, and it costs $1500 USD per person. It is typically advised to reserve your gorilla permit in Rwanda three to six months in advance to prevent the disappointments that occur with last-minute reservations.

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